About the SoberSystems App

The SoberSystems App Puts You in Control
SoberSystems is a mobile recovery management program designed to work as an additional tool for strengthening the recovering person’s commitment to ongoing success and their recovery assets. The intent is to reduce relapse and provide fast access for early intervention.
The interactive program allows the recovering person to participate in their recovery while monitoring their personal development and accountability by a designated care manager (s). The simple design and targeted features encourage user-friendly activity without complication.
SoberSystems is your best choice for an adjunct to strengthen client recovery capital and enhance accountability. The mobile application is simple and fun to use. The design integrates 12-step principles of honesty and service (Step #1 and Step #12) by encouraging user effort through immediate scoring and supportive feedback. The electronic tethering through the mobile application gives maximum flexibility of use while also providing safety and security of user information.
There are two ways to access the SoberSystems App
Invitation by a Care Manager
The primary option to access SoberSystems is through invitation by a Care Manager. This Care Manager may be a recognized professional in the community like a therapist, counselor, recovery coach, or case manager, or more than likely, it may be the after care/continuing coordinator from a treatment center. If you have been invited, someone cares.
The Care Manager has Licensed the app for professional use and is creating a group of clients. This group is secure, private, and encrypted so any data entered is protected.
In order for the invitation to SoberSystems to be activated, the Care Manager invites their select clients to download the app from The Apple App or Google Play Store. Once downloaded, the user has to create an account and use the code word issued by the Care Manager. This will assign that user to the Care Manager’s branded group, so each time the user logs in, the Care Manager’s splash screen will be displayed. The Care Manager has access to and responsibility for all users in their group. This enhanced capability allows the Care Manager to act as a monitor for client activity and progress. SoberSystems is a true 24/7 sentry that assists in the daily battle against active addiction.
Individual User
This smartphone app is also designed for people wanting a fun and effective method to supplement their recovery experience. The SoberSystems App is a great way to assist people in recovery to get honest, stay focused, and be accountable to caring people in their life.
It is designed for personal accountability. By utilizing SoberSystems, you can now enjoy and participate in your recovery knowing that if you do not stay on track, your friends, supports, sponsor or family, are going to notified.
Accountability is a critical component for ongoing success. For instance, we know how important it is to be a member of a home group and have a sponsor. SoberSystems can work in concert with both of these very important aspects of recovery.
Download the app from either the Play Store or the App Store, create an account and then identify your supports (Lifelines) in your home group and your sponsor, put in their required information and the program will send them an alert when you do not follow through with your daily check-in! Yes, your supports will be notified via text or email. This will allow them to contact you before the disease re-activates.
Your Lifelines are designated by the user so they can be changed at any time through the add/delete function.You can also allow full access to your account by sharing your pass-code with your family, your therapist, sponsor of professional care manager. These are just a couple of benefits of individuals strengthening their commitment to recovery.