Recovery Coach Training

Recovery Coach Training is easy, online, and certified.
Sober Network's Recovery Coach Training is designed to meet the needs of today’s busy professional lifestyle.
We provide all education and training via the Internet in easily downloaded courses. The text courses are accessible at the leisure of the trainee.
The material is read and a comprehensive post-test along with post-training consultation prepares the coach for professional interaction. The course covers all the core components a new coach needs to get started. The curriculum has been thoroughly researched to meet the standards for the emerging certification in Florida. Our model is designed to introduce student coaches to practicing via electronic transmission by teaching them through the same medium, the Internet, email, SMS text messaging, and cell phones.
What sets us apart?
SoberSystems has a unique recovery coach program, that combines human services and capitalism. The concept simplifies and streamlines the recovery process while providing you the opportunity to make money, as you're helping others and the community.
We have the training, the technology, and the system configured. Now we just need you to learn it and start making money while you're helping others and giving back.
It is our belief that people with money can always get what they want and what they need. What about the rest of us? What about the millions of people in this country that have limited or no health insurance benefits, or are unemployed? This HUGE group of people (the majority) is our target market.
By using today’s accessible technology, the team at Sober Systems has developed a proven method to get and stay better. We call it “SoberSystems”. SoberSystems is a mobile-based application (app) used as an adjunct to the E-Coaching learned in training. The model is designed for success. It is grounded in a twelve-step/holistic health approach to wellness. The client initiates an account and shares it with their coach who is then able to further assist that client with accountability and near-instant response for early intervention and management.
The SoberSystems is committed to our coaches through the provision of ongoing supervision. This is available after completing the initial training. We recognize the benefit of having a practicing professional in your corner, someone you can “go-to” and reduce the stressors accompanying being out there on your own, but now, not alone.